Now that we have your attention, a recent article was posted to a blog that set out to find out how many times Lil Wayne has rapped the word pussy in his career. According to Genius’s lyrical database, Lil Wayne has appeared in 1,099 songs and said the word pussy 766 times.

Apparently 2013 was his big year in pussy, where he mentioned it 172 times, which averaged out to 2.15 mentions per song! We agree that this is an impressive statistic, but we know our hot chat line callers can do better.

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If you called in to our phone lines 1,099 times you would totally say the word pussy more than 766 times, especially if it was a sexy one on one chat!

Wondering why we are blogging about Lil Wayne and how many times he’s said the word pussy over the course of his career? Umm…because it’s a trendy topic that you can bring up during one of your phone ins! Talking about a cool, trending topic is a great way to draw other callers in to your conversation.

One of the best pieces of advice that we can give new users that are calling in to a community call for the first time is to pregame and jot down a few topics that you would feel comfortable talking about. A great way to find some trending topics is to first and foremost read our blog.

A second way to pick some fun topics is to hit up any general web browser and see what the top stories are. Typically politics do not make for a great conversation starter, but trending stories about sex and celebrity do!

Now would be a great time to get up and call in. You’ve got this fun topic at your fingertips and you can leave a comment on this blog to let us know just how many times you say the word pussy during a phone in session!