Yes. This is actually happening now and you can thank millennials for this new craze.
It could be your significant other or just a phone chat fuck buddy, but you both are in the middle of hot steamy sex when suddenly he gets the urge to check score of the sports game or check his or her social media timeline. People are now actually checking their phone during sex for all the reasons you can think of.

A new survey by SureCall shows that 10 percent of people admit to checking their phone during sex. Among those, 43 percent claim to be repeat offenders of logging on their phone while getting off.
The New York Post reported millennials are the worst at checking their phones during sex (surprisingly), with individual’s ages between 18 and 34 being almost twice as likely to go on their phone while on top of their partner.
People between the ages of 18- 34 were twice as likely to check their phone during sex than 35-51 year olds. This isn’t surprising news because of the rise of “phubbing” or snubbing your partner or casual encounter for your cell phone. A study found that nearly 46 percent of people in romantic relationships have been “phubbed.”
Choosing your phone over your partner, especially while your making love can create problems in your relationship with communication, your partner’s self-esteem and even depression.
Honestly, it’s a little weird to be stroking it, suddenly pick up your phone mid-thrust and start surfing the web. Unless it’s an absolute emergency or you are looking up the newest sex move or you have a kinky masturbation chat idea you should be focused on getting yours and giving theirs.
There are many reasons someone would be checking their phone during sex with their partner, they could be a phubber, narcissist, the sex just isn’t that good or they have checked out of the relationship.
If your partner has checked out of the relationship and you are tired of them going on their phone during the most intimate part of a relationship then maybe it’s time to call up our chat lines for a dedicated partner or a good fuck.
Next time your partner grabs their phone to check the most recent World Cup score, one up them and pick up your phone and call your local area’s chat line.