Phone sex is a beautiful way to experience sensuality with another person safely. You can build creative fantasies or role-playing scenarios and really enjoy intimacy in a way that’s unique to the both of you.

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Some ways to add to the pleasure that phone sex can bring is to your all your senses.


Use your sense of smell to allow you to have a memory of your experience. Pick a scent that both you and your phone partner have handy like sage or essential oils and both smell it at the same time.

You can use it in your play space. You can also use scented candles to increase the scent you smell while enjoying sexy time with your phone friend.


Taste can really spice up your love life in terms of phone sex. Taste can be something you both share to eat like chocolate or an oyster. Enjoy a small meal with one another over the phone and notice how this can be a natural aphrodisiac.


You can share sexy pictures with one another while having phone sex. This can also enhance your experience with phone sex.


You always use your sense of hearing while having phone sex. This is the main component of phone sex and voice can be played with tone and what is being said to see what changes based off these elements of hearing.


Textures can really change the scenario and help to increase the sensuality during  taboo phone chat. Imagine using silk or different lubes and lotions. All these things can improve the sensuality of the experience.

By using all the senses together during phone sex, you will have a full-experience. Try it out and see how it feels on you. Try a few senses at a time or all for all the senses added to your sensual experience over the chat lines.